Spirituality And Addiction Recovery

In the diverse landscape of addiction recovery, there exists a continuum that ranges from deeply spiritual approaches to wholly secular methods. As South Africans, we thrive on our rich cultural tapestry and deep spiritual roots. Yet, there’s also a burgeoning interest in science-backed, secular recovery models. When you or a loved one is grappling with...

Substance Abuse Among Autistic Adults

You walk into a group therapy session, a space designed to foster healing and community. But even in this supportive environment, you may feel like your unique experiences are overlooked, especially if you’re an autistic adult struggling with substance abuse. In South Africa and globally, the topic of substance abuse among autistic adults remains largely...

Addressing Sexual Addiction

Identifying Signs of Sexual Addiction in a Partner Sexual addiction is a challenging issue that can significantly impact a relationship. If you suspect that your significant other—whether a wife, girlfriend, or any other partner—is grappling with sexual addiction, there are several indicators to watch for: Preoccupation with sexual activities to the exclusion of other interests...

The Consequences Of Cocaine Addiction For Pregnant Women

Everyone knows that drug usage can wreck a person’s life, but cocaine addiction during pregnancy poses unique dangers. You, as a person concerned for their safety or seeking help for yourself, need to grasp the seriousness of the situation. Cocaine addiction has long-reaching consequences for a woman’s life that extend far beyond her physical health....

Reality Check: Are Celebrity Rehabs Just for Show?

The question has been circulating: Are celebrity rehabs just for show? As a school administrator dealing with drug abuse issues among students, it’s a question I’ve been asked more times than I can count. This matter is particularly relevant here in South Africa, where access to addiction treatment can vary widely, and the spotlight often...

Creating A Safe Home Environment For Addiction Recovery:

Creating a safe and supportive home environment is essential for sustaining sobriety and fostering lasting change in addiction recovery. Allen Carr emphasizes the need to view addiction as a symptom rather than a disease in his approach to understanding addiction. With this in mind, let’s examine the key elements of creating a safe domestic environment...

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